Single-piece / one-piece production flow
Single piece flow is a basic concept in lean manufacturing that refers to the concept of moving one work-piece at a time between operations within a work cell, also known as one piece flow or “continuous flow”. So there is no need to process a whole batch or many in each operation before moving on to the next operation. This concept has many advantages. It keeps WIP to the lowest possible level and utilizes proper manpower.
Single piece flow in garment sewing line
Lean manufacturing systems are necessary if you want to establish an efficient production area. RMG professionals are facing many challenges in this era due to manufacturing revolution. Implementation of modern production technology is our greatest need to ensure sustainability of RMG sector. Converts the single piece flow line from the conventional bundle system to the one piece flow system which is a lean manufacturing concept. Most garment factories have now moved to single piece flow production systems.
Single-piece flow in production has changed some of the production culture in any company. So the production system as well as the unit flow system is very important thing that we have to apply about the above problem.
Advantages/advantages of single piece flow in garment industry
1. One-piece flow reduces bundling and waiting time which is a completely hidden loss that we cannot measure in traditional bundling systems.
2. Online operation by minimum WIP, operation manufacturing.
3. Improved productivity
4. Best household which can maintain 5S in sewing and finishing.
5. Minimum Defects and DHU
6. No waiting time
7. Productivity improvement
8. Zero chance of size mistake, bundle mistake
9. Minimum rejection
10. No additional manpower (auxiliary) for thread trimming
11. Take less time on sewing line layout
12. Reduction of inventory time
13. Less space required
14. Ensure work flexibility and workplace safety
15. Garments are less prone to damage, obsolescence, and deterioration
16. Reduce transportation, waiting, overproduction, processing, inventory, and motion wastes that occur with batch-based manufacturing processes.
17. Simple line balancing
18. Quality control is very easy, inline inspection.
Many advantages, you can get by applying single piece flow system
Batch (bundle) vs. one-piece flow (basic) simulation
❖ Objective: Compare batch (bundle) and one-piece production flow for a garment sewing line (simple model for study).
❖ Simulation conditions
(1) Production quantity: 100 pcs
(2) 5 Processes (Sewing Machines)
(3) All standard minute values for each process (sewing machine) are set to 1 minute (for simplification).
(3) Moving time in process: 30 seconds
– Apply same time (30 seconds) in batch (bundle) and one-piece flow
(Conservative assumption: batch production actually requires more running time)
(4) Input 20 pieces of fabric cutting for the first process.
(5) Time is also required for batch (bundle) binding but is set to 0
❖ Simulation results
(1) Batch (bundle) work: 182.5 minutes for production of 100 pieces
Maximum work in process: 95 pieces
(2) One-piece flow: 106.5 minutes to produce 100 pieces
Maximum work in process: 19 pieces
❖ One-piece flow production is the best approach
Batch (bundle) vs. one-piece flow (real) simulation
❖ Objective: Compare batch (bundle) and one-piece production flow (actual production line) for a garment sewing line.
❖ Simulation conditions
(1) Production quantity: 1,000 pcs
(2) Read the attached (Simulation-Data.xlsx) file
(3) Moving time in process: 10 seconds
– Apply the same time (10 seconds) to batch (bundle) and one-piece flows
(4) Input 20 pieces of fabric cutting for the first process.
(5) Time is also required for batch (bundle) binding but is set to 0
❖ Simulation results
(1) Batch (bundle) work: 685.32 minutes for production of 1,000 pieces
Maximum work in process: 463 pieces
(2) One-piece flow: 540.08 minutes to produce 1,000 pieces
Maximum work in process: 153 pieces